Downtown SF w/ Ellen R
One of the fun things I do with my photography is traveling to different cities to shoot with different models. I like exploring new cities and meeting new people. Not many photographers travel and are more known to their own city. Networking is essential these days so I use my photography as an outlet for me to do so. I was able to visit San Francisco for the first time last year due to my friend Tommy moving there for work at that time. I didn't realize I had some friends from back home that moved there as well so I was able to get reacquainted with some of them while I was out there. During my visit, I got to link up with Ellen on a shoot. We decided on a location somewhere downtown SF. It was a nice little space that we had and for this set, we decided to use the common area. It was a nice cool afternoon and sort of breezy so we had the windows open and it just provided a very relaxed mood for our shoot. Anyways check out the set we created while I was out there.