
Lifestyle on Camera w/ Yvonne Y

Ive started to dig through of all my shoots in 2016 and released i have about 30-40 sets that i have yet to release.  Thats a pretty insane amount.  I am going to try to release these from time to time but I really want to focus on what I am currently doing so its more up to date per say.  Anyways this set I show with Yvonne was back in June, while I was in LA.  Yvonne is from houston and whenever she travels to LA she's always checking to see if I am in town since Im always popping up in LA on random occasions.  I was in fact that week that she was in town so we decided to link up again to create some new images.  We've worked pretty well previously so I had no problem with linking with her again this time.  For this time, I had rented out a studio in downtown LA which had a pretty open and vacant area for us to create in.  Yvonne decided to wear this all white lingerie to go with the rugged urban look of the photo studio as it just had a very industrial vibe to it.  We found a slightly worn black couch to use and I liked how the set came together.  The white lingerie became the focus of the set as everything else was pretty rugged so it stood out a lot.  We primarily shot this using the couch and tried to get as many looks as we could from it.  Check out the set we did and enjoy your weekend!

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