
Valentines Part 1 w/ Celine T

This year I wanted to focus on more themes and to create imagery from the themes.  Most theme shoots are really cheesy and for the most part is very rarely executed well.  So I decided to take a stab at it for Valentines Day.  I really wanted to do a classy and elegant shoot with roses.  I got the idea to find a black cocktail gown and to use roses in the shoot.  I wasn't trying to go over the top so I wanted to find a plain background and execute the idea.  I had hit up my friend Celine while she was still in LA for the shoot.  I felt that she had a good look for it.  I haven't really worked with any stylists so I spent a few days looking for a black dress that would go with the theme that I wanted to create.  Since its my idea then I figured I should try to find the right clothes for the shoot. Normally and most photographers just tell people the general idea and would leave it up to the model to get the right clothes.  Anyways Celine and I got together one evening to shoot this look together. I really loved how everything came together and the mood was perfect in what we were going for.  Anyways hope everyone enjoys this set.  

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